Ensures the corresponding Subject/user
{@link Permission#implies(Permission) implies} all of the
specified permission strings.
If the subject's existing associated permissions do not
{@link Permission#implies(Permission) imply} all of the given permissions,
an {@link AuthorizationException} will be thrown.
@param subjectPrincipal the application-specific subject/user identifier.
@param permissions the Permissions to check.
@throws AuthorizationException if the user does not have all of the given permissions.
Ensures the corresponding Subject/user {@link Permission#implies(Permission) implies} all of the specified permission strings.
If the subject's existing associated permissions do not {@link Permission#implies(Permission) imply} all of the given permissions, an {@link AuthorizationException} will be thrown.
@param subjectPrincipal the application-specific subject/user identifier. @param permissions the Permissions to check. @throws AuthorizationException if the user does not have all of the given permissions.