
Undocumented in source.



interface SessionContext

A {@code SessionContext} is a 'bucket' of data presented to a {@link SessionFactory SessionFactory} which interprets this data to construct {@link hunt.shiro.session.Session Session} instances. It is essentially a Map of data with a few additional type-safe methods for easy retrieval of objects commonly used to construct Subject instances. <p/> While this interface contains type-safe setters and getters for common data types, the map can contain anything additional that might be needed by the {@code SessionFactory} implementation to construct {@code Session} instances. <p/> <b>USAGE</b>: Most Shiro end-users will never use a {@code SubjectContext} instance directly and instead will call the {@code Subject.}{@link hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#getSession() getSession()} or {@code Subject.}{@link hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#getSession(bool) getSession(bool)} methods (which will usually use {@code SessionContext} instances to start a session with the application's {@link SessionManager SessionManager}.
