
Creates an {@code algorithmName}-specific hash of the specified {@code source} using the given {@code salt} a total of {@code hashIterations} times. <p/> By default, this class only supports Object method arguments of type {@code byte[]}, {@code char[]}, {@link string}, {@link File}, {@link InputStream} or {@link hunt.shiro.util.ByteSource ByteSource}. If either argument is anything other than these types a {@link hunt.shiro.codec.CodecException CodecException} will be thrown. <p/> If you want to be able to hash other object types, or use other salt types, you need to override the {@link #toBytes(Object) toBytes(Object)} method to support those specific types. Your other option is to convert your arguments to one of the default supported types first before passing them in to this constructor}.

@param algorithmName the {@link MessageDigest} algorithm name to use when performing the hash. @param source the source object to be hashed. @param salt the salt to use for the hash @param hashIterations the number of times the {@code source} argument hashed for attack resiliency. @throws CodecException if either Object constructor argument cannot be converted into a byte array. @throws UnknownAlgorithmException if the {@code algorithmName} is not available.

  1. this(string algorithmName)
  2. this(string algorithmName, Object source)
  3. this(string algorithmName, Object source, Object salt)
  4. this(string algorithmName, Object source, Object salt, int hashIterations)
    class SimpleHash
    Object source
    Object salt
