
Returns all string-based permissions assigned to the corresponding Subject. The permissions here plus those returned from {@link #getObjectPermissions() getObjectPermissions()} represent the total set of permissions assigned. The aggregate set is used to perform a permission authorization check. <p/> This method is a convenience mechanism that allows Realms to represent permissions as Strings if they choose. When performing a security check, a <code>Realm</code> usually converts these strings to object {@link Permission Permission}s via an internal {@link hunt.shiro.authz.permission.PermissionResolver PermissionResolver} in order to perform the actual permission check. This is not a requirement of course, since <code>Realm</code>s can perform security checks in whatever manner deemed necessary, but this explains the conversion mechanism that most Shiro Realms execute for string-based permission checks.

@return all string-based permissions assigned to the corresponding Subject.

interface AuthorizationInfo
