Creates a new {@link CipherService} instance using the {@code Blowfish} cipher algorithm with the following
important cipher default attributes:
<td>{@link #setKeySize keySize}</td>
<td>{@code 128} bits</td>
<td>{@link #setBlockSize blockSize}</td>
<td>{@code 64} bits (required for {@code Blowfish})</td>
<td>{@link #setMode mode}</td>
<td>{@link OperationMode#CBC CBC}<b>*</b></td>
<td>{@link #setPaddingScheme paddingScheme}</td>
<td>{@link PaddingScheme#PKCS5 PKCS5}</td>
<td>{@link #setInitializationVectorSize(int) initializationVectorSize}</td>
<td>{@code 64} bits</td>
<td>{@link #setGenerateInitializationVectors(boolean) generateInitializationVectors}</td>
<td>{@code true}<b>**</b></td>
<b>*</b> The {@link OperationMode#CBC CBC} operation mode is used instead of the JDK default {@code ECB} to
ensure strong encryption. {@code ECB} should not be used in security-sensitive environments - see the
{@link DefaultBlockCipherService DefaultBlockCipherService} class JavaDoc's "Operation Mode" section
for more.
<b>**</b>In conjunction with the default {@code CBC} operation mode, initialization vectors are generated by
default to ensure strong encryption. See the {@link JcaCipherService JcaCipherService} class JavaDoc for more.
Creates a new {@link CipherService} instance using the {@code Blowfish} cipher algorithm with the following important cipher default attributes: <table> <tr> <th>Attribute</th> <th>Value</th> </tr> <tr> <td>{@link #setKeySize keySize}</td> <td>{@code 128} bits</td> </tr> <tr> <td>{@link #setBlockSize blockSize}</td> <td>{@code 64} bits (required for {@code Blowfish})</td> </tr> <tr> <td>{@link #setMode mode}</td> <td>{@link OperationMode#CBC CBC}<b>*</b></td> </tr> <tr> <td>{@link #setPaddingScheme paddingScheme}</td> <td>{@link PaddingScheme#PKCS5 PKCS5}</td> </tr> <tr> <td>{@link #setInitializationVectorSize(int) initializationVectorSize}</td> <td>{@code 64} bits</td> </tr> <tr> <td>{@link #setGenerateInitializationVectors(boolean) generateInitializationVectors}</td> <td>{@code true}<b>**</b></td> </tr> </table> <p/> <b>*</b> The {@link OperationMode#CBC CBC} operation mode is used instead of the JDK default {@code ECB} to ensure strong encryption. {@code ECB} should not be used in security-sensitive environments - see the {@link DefaultBlockCipherService DefaultBlockCipherService} class JavaDoc's "Operation Mode" section for more. <p/> <b>**</b>In conjunction with the default {@code CBC} operation mode, initialization vectors are generated by default to ensure strong encryption. See the {@link JcaCipherService JcaCipherService} class JavaDoc for more.