Returns the transformation string to use with the {@link javax.crypto.Cipher#getInstance} call. If
{@code streaming} is {@code true}, a block-cipher transformation string compatible with streaming operations will
be constructed and cached for re-use later (see the class-level JavaDoc for more on using block ciphers
for streaming). If {@code streaming} is {@code false} a normal block-cipher transformation string will
be constructed and cached for later re-use.
@param streaming if the transformation string is going to be used for a Cipher performing stream-based encryption or not.
@return the transformation string
Returns the transformation string to use with the {@link javax.crypto.Cipher#getInstance} call. If {@code streaming} is {@code true}, a block-cipher transformation string compatible with streaming operations will be constructed and cached for re-use later (see the class-level JavaDoc for more on using block ciphers for streaming). If {@code streaming} is {@code false} a normal block-cipher transformation string will be constructed and cached for later re-use.
@param streaming if the transformation string is going to be used for a Cipher performing stream-based encryption or not. @return the transformation string