Returns {@code true} if the specified argument is an {@code instanceof} {@code SimpleSession} and both
{@link #getId() id}s are equal. If the argument is a {@code SimpleSession} and either 'this' or the argument
does not yet have an ID assigned, the value of {@link #onEquals(SimpleSession) onEquals} is returned, which
does a necessary attribute-based comparison when IDs are not available.
Do your best to ensure {@code SimpleSession} instances receive an ID very early in their lifecycle to
avoid the more expensive attributes-based comparison.
@param obj the object to compare with this one for equality.
@return {@code true} if this object is equivalent to the specified argument, {@code false} otherwise.
Returns {@code true} if the specified argument is an {@code instanceof} {@code SimpleSession} and both {@link #getId() id}s are equal. If the argument is a {@code SimpleSession} and either 'this' or the argument does not yet have an ID assigned, the value of {@link #onEquals(SimpleSession) onEquals} is returned, which does a necessary attribute-based comparison when IDs are not available. <p/> Do your best to ensure {@code SimpleSession} instances receive an ID very early in their lifecycle to avoid the more expensive attributes-based comparison.
@param obj the object to compare with this one for equality. @return {@code true} if this object is equivalent to the specified argument, {@code false} otherwise.