Serialization read support - reads in the Map principals collection if it exists in the
input stream.
NOTE: Don't forget to change the serialVersionUID constant at the top of this class
if you make any backwards-incompatible serialization changes!!!
(use the JDK 'serialver' program for this)
@param in input stream provided by
@throws IOException if there is an input/output problem
@throws ClassNotFoundException if the underlying Map implementation class is not available to the classloader.
Serialization read support - reads in the Map principals collection if it exists in the input stream. <p/> NOTE: Don't forget to change the serialVersionUID constant at the top of this class if you make any backwards-incompatible serialization changes!!! (use the JDK 'serialver' program for this)
@param in input stream provided by @throws IOException if there is an input/output problem @throws ClassNotFoundException if the underlying Map implementation class is not available to the classloader.