Checks if this Subject has the specified roles, returning a bool array indicating
which roles are associated.
This is primarily a performance-enhancing method to help reduce the number of
{@link #hasRole} invocations over the wire in client/server systems.
@param roleIdentifiers the application-specific role identifiers to check (usually role ids or role names).
@return a bool array where indices correspond to the index of the
roles in the given identifiers. A true value indicates this Subject has the
role at that index. False indicates this Subject does not have the role at that index.
Checks if this Subject has the specified roles, returning a bool array indicating which roles are associated. <p/> This is primarily a performance-enhancing method to help reduce the number of {@link #hasRole} invocations over the wire in client/server systems.
@param roleIdentifiers the application-specific role identifiers to check (usually role ids or role names). @return a bool array where indices correspond to the index of the roles in the given identifiers. A true value indicates this Subject has the role at that index. False indicates this Subject does not have the role at that index.