Ensures the {@code Subject} being built will be considered
{@link hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#isAuthenticated() authenticated}. Per the
{@link hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#isAuthenticated() isAuthenticated()} JavaDoc, be careful
when specifying {@code true} - you should know what you are doing and have a good reason for ignoring Shiro's
default authentication state mechanisms.
@param authenticated whether or not the built {@code Subject} will be considered authenticated.
@return this {@code Builder} instance for method chaining.
@see hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#isAuthenticated()
Ensures the {@code Subject} being built will be considered {@link hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#isAuthenticated() authenticated}. Per the {@link hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#isAuthenticated() isAuthenticated()} JavaDoc, be careful when specifying {@code true} - you should know what you are doing and have a good reason for ignoring Shiro's default authentication state mechanisms.
@param authenticated whether or not the built {@code Subject} will be considered authenticated. @return this {@code Builder} instance for method chaining. @see hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#isAuthenticated()