Convenience method that simplifies removal of a thread-local Subject from the thread.
The implementation just helps reduce casting and remembering of the ThreadContext key name, i.e it is
merely a convenient wrapper for the following:
<code>return (Subject)remove( SUBJECT_KEY );</code>
If you wish to just retrieve the object from the thread without removing it (so it can be retrieved later during
thread execution), you should use the {@link #getSubject() getSubject()} method for that purpose.
@return the Subject object previously bound to the thread, or <tt>null</tt> if there was none bound.
Convenience method that simplifies removal of a thread-local Subject from the thread. <p/> The implementation just helps reduce casting and remembering of the ThreadContext key name, i.e it is merely a convenient wrapper for the following: <p/> <code>return (Subject)remove( SUBJECT_KEY );</code> <p/> If you wish to just retrieve the object from the thread without removing it (so it can be retrieved later during thread execution), you should use the {@link #getSubject() getSubject()} method for that purpose.
@return the Subject object previously bound to the thread, or <tt>null</tt> if there was none bound.