
A {@code HashedCredentialMatcher} provides support for hashing of supplied {@code AuthenticationToken} credentials before being compared to those in the {@code AuthenticationInfo} from the data store. <p/> Credential hashing is one of the most common security techniques when safeguarding a user's private credentials (passwords, keys, etc). Most developers never want to store their users' credentials in plain form, viewable by anyone, so they often hash the users' credentials before they are saved in the data store. <p/> This class (and its subclasses) function as follows: <ol> <li>Hash the {@code AuthenticationToken} credentials supplied by the user during their login.</li> <li>Compare this hashed value directly with the {@code AuthenticationInfo} credentials stored in the system (the stored account credentials are expected to already be in hashed form).</li> <li>If these two values are {@link #equals(Object, Object) equal}, the submitted credentials match, otherwise they do not.</li> </ol> <h2>Salting and Multiple Hash Iterations</h2> Because simple hashing is usually not good enough for secure applications, this class also supports 'salting' and multiple hash iterations. Please read this excellent <a href="http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Hashing_Java" _target="blank">Hashing Java article</a> to learn about salting and multiple iterations and why you might want to use them. (Note of sections 5 &quot;Why add salt?&quot; and 6 "Hardening against the attacker's attack"). We should also note here that all of Shiro's Hash implementations (for example, {@link hunt.shiro.crypto.hash.Md5Hash Md5Hash}, {@link hunt.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha1Hash Sha1Hash}, etc) support salting and multiple hash iterations via overloaded constructors. <h4>Real World Case Study</h4> In April 2010, some public Atlassian Jira and Confluence installations (Apache Software Foundation, Codehaus, etc) were the target of account attacks and user accounts were compromised. The reason? Jira and Confluence at the time did not salt user passwords and attackers were able to use dictionary attacks to compromise user accounts (Atlassian has since <a href="http://blogs.atlassian.com/news/2010/04/oh_man_what_a_day_an_update_on_our_security_breach.html"> fixed the problem</a> of course). <p/> The lesson? <p/> <b>ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS SALT USER PASSWORDS!</b> <p/> <h3>Salting</h3> Prior to Shiro 1.1, salts could be obtained based on the end-user submitted {@link AuthenticationToken AuthenticationToken} via the now-deprecated {@link #getSalt(hunt.shiro.authc.AuthenticationToken) getSalt(AuthenticationToken)} method. This however could constitute a security hole since ideally salts should never be obtained based on what a user can submit. User-submitted salt mechanisms are <em>much</em> more susceptible to dictionary attacks and <b>SHOULD NOT</b> be used in secure systems. Instead salts should ideally be a secure randomly-generated number that is generated when the user account is created. The secure number should never be disseminated to the user and always kept private by the application. <h4>Shiro 1.1</h4> As of Shiro 1.1, it is expected that any salt used to hash the submitted credentials will be obtained from the stored account information (represented as an {@link AuthenticationInfo AuthenticationInfo} instance). This is much more secure because the salt value remains private to the application (Shiro will never store this value). <p/> To enable this, {@code Realm}s should return {@link SaltedAuthenticationInfo SaltedAuthenticationInfo} instances during authentication. {@code HashedCredentialsMatcher} implementations will then use the provided {@link hunt.shiro.authc.SaltedAuthenticationInfo#getCredentialsSalt credentialsSalt} for hashing. To avoid security risks, <b>it is highly recommended that any existing {@code Realm} implementations that support hashed credentials are updated to return {@link SaltedAuthenticationInfo SaltedAuthenticationInfo} instances as soon as possible</b>. <h4>Shiro 1.0 Backwards Compatibility</h4> Because of the identified security risk, {@code Realm} implementations that support credentials hashing should be updated to return {@link SaltedAuthenticationInfo SaltedAuthenticationInfo} instances as soon as possible. <p/> If this is not possible for some reason, this class will retain 1.0 backwards-compatible behavior of obtaining the salt via the now-deprecated {@link #getSalt(AuthenticationToken) getSalt(AuthenticationToken)} method. This method will only be invoked if a {@code Realm} <em>does not</em> return {@link SaltedAuthenticationInfo SaltedAutenticationInfo} instances and {@link #isHashSalted() hashSalted} is {@code true}. But please note that the {@link #isHashSalted() hashSalted} property and the {@link #getSalt(AuthenticationToken) getSalt(AuthenticationToken)} methods will be removed before the Shiro 2.0 release. <h3>Multiple Hash Iterations</h3> If you hash your users' credentials multiple times before persisting to the data store, you will also need to set this class's {@link #setHashIterations(int) hashIterations} property. See the <a href="http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Hashing_Java" _target="blank">Hashing Java article</a>'s <a href="http://www.owasp.org/index.php/Hashing_Java#Hardening_against_the_attacker.27s_attack"> &quot;Hardening against the attacker's attack&quot;</a> section to learn more about why you might want to use multiple hash iterations. <h2>MD5 &amp; SHA-1 Notice</h2> <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MD5">MD5</a> and <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA_hash_functions">SHA-1</a> algorithms are now known to be vulnerable to compromise and/or collisions (read the linked pages for more). While most applications are ok with either of these two, if your application mandates high security, use the SHA-256 (or higher) hashing algorithms and their supporting {@code CredentialsMatcher} implementations.

@see hunt.shiro.crypto.hash.Md5Hash @see hunt.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha1Hash @see hunt.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha256Hash @since 0.9



JavaBeans-compatible no-arg constructor intended for use in IoC/Dependency Injection environments. If you use this constructor, you <em>MUST</em> also additionally set the {@link #setHashAlgorithmName(string) hashAlgorithmName} property.

this(string hashAlgorithmName)

Creates an instance using the specified {@link #getHashAlgorithmName() hashAlgorithmName} to hash submitted credentials. @param hashAlgorithmName the {@code Hash} {@link hunt.shiro.crypto.hash.Hash#getAlgorithmName() algorithmName} to use when performing hashes for credentials matching.



bool doCredentialsMatch(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info)

This implementation first hashes the {@code token}'s credentials, potentially using a {@code salt} if the {@code info} argument is a {@link hunt.shiro.authc.SaltedAuthenticationInfo SaltedAuthenticationInfo}. It then compares the hash against the {@code AuthenticationInfo}'s {@link #getCredentials(hunt.shiro.authc.AuthenticationInfo) already-hashed credentials}. This method returns {@code true} if those two values are {@link #equals(Object, Object) equal}, {@code false} otherwise.

string getHashAlgorithmName()

Returns the {@code Hash} {@link hunt.shiro.crypto.hash.Hash#getAlgorithmName() algorithmName} to use when performing hashes for credentials matching.

int getHashIterations()

Returns the number of times a submitted {@code AuthenticationToken}'s credentials will be hashed before comparing to the credentials stored in the system. <p/> Unless overridden, the default value is {@code 1}, meaning a normal hash execution will occur.

deprecated string getSalt(AuthenticationToken token)

Returns a salt value used to hash the token's credentials. <p/> This default implementation merely returns {@code token.getPrincipal()}, effectively using the user's identity (username, user id, etc) as the salt, a most common technique. If you wish to provide the authentication token's salt another way, you may override this method.

Object hashProvidedCredentials(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info)

Hash the provided {@code token}'s credentials using the salt stored with the account if the {@code info} instance is an {@code instanceof} {@link SaltedAuthenticationInfo SaltedAuthenticationInfo} (see the class-level JavaDoc for why this is the preferred approach). <p/> If the {@code info} instance is <em>not</em> an {@code instanceof} {@code SaltedAuthenticationInfo}, the logic will fall back to Shiro 1.0 backwards-compatible logic: it will first check to see {@link #isHashSalted() isHashSalted} and if so, will try to acquire the salt from {@link #getSalt(AuthenticationToken) getSalt(AuthenticationToken)}. See the class-level JavaDoc for why this is not recommended. This 'fallback' logic exists only for backwards-compatibility. {@code Realm}s should be updated as soon as possible to return {@code SaltedAuthenticationInfo} instances if account credentials salting is enabled (highly recommended for password-based systems).

Hash hashProvidedCredentials(Object credentials, Object salt, int hashIterations)

Hashes the provided credentials a total of {@code hashIterations} times, using the given salt. The hash implementation/algorithm used is based on the {@link #getHashAlgorithmName() hashAlgorithmName} property.

deprecated bool isHashSalted()

Returns {@code true} if a submitted {@code AuthenticationToken}'s credentials should be salted when hashing, {@code false} if it should not be salted. <p/> If enabled, the salt used will be obtained via the {@link #getSalt(AuthenticationToken) getSalt} method. <p/> The default value is {@code false}.

bool isStoredCredentialsHexEncoded()

Returns {@code true} if the system's stored credential hash is Hex encoded, {@code false} if it is Base64 encoded. <p/> Default value is {@code true} for convenience - all of Shiro's {@link Hash Hash#toString()} implementations return Hex encoded values by default, making this class's use with those implementations easier.

AbstractHash newHashInstance()

Returns a new, <em>uninitialized</em> instance, without its byte array set. Used as a utility method in the {@link SimpleCredentialsMatcher#getCredentials(hunt.shiro.authc.AuthenticationInfo) getCredentials(AuthenticationInfo)} implementation.

void setHashAlgorithmName(string hashAlgorithmName)

Sets the {@code Hash} {@link hunt.shiro.crypto.hash.Hash#getAlgorithmName() algorithmName} to use when performing hashes for credentials matching.

void setHashIterations(int hashIterations)

Sets the number of times a submitted {@code AuthenticationToken}'s credentials will be hashed before comparing to the credentials stored in the system. <p/> Unless overridden, the default value is {@code 1}, meaning a normal single hash execution will occur. <p/> If this argument is less than 1 (i.e. 0 or negative), the default value of 1 is applied. There must always be at least 1 hash iteration (otherwise there would be no hash).

deprecated void setHashSalted(bool hashSalted)

Sets whether or not to salt a submitted {@code AuthenticationToken}'s credentials when hashing. <p/> If enabled, the salt used will be obtained via the {@link #getSalt(hunt.shiro.authc.AuthenticationToken) getCredentialsSalt} method. </p> The default value is {@code false}.

void setStoredCredentialsHexEncoded(bool storedCredentialsHexEncoded)

Sets the indicator if this system's stored credential hash is Hex encoded or not. <p/> A value of {@code true} will cause this class to decode the system credential from Hex, a value of {@code false} will cause this class to decode the system credential from Base64. <p/> Unless overridden via this method, the default value is {@code true} for convenience - all of Shiro's {@link Hash Hash#toString()} implementations return Hex encoded values by default, making this class's use with those implementations easier.

Inherited Members

From SimpleCredentialsMatcher

char[] getCredentials(AuthenticationToken token)

Returns the {@code token}'s credentials. <p/> <p>This default implementation merely returns {@link AuthenticationToken#getCredentials() authenticationToken.getCredentials()} and exists as a template hook if subclasses wish to obtain the credentials in a different way or convert them to a different format before returning.

Object getCredentials(AuthenticationInfo info)

Returns the {@code account}'s credentials. <p/> <p>This default implementation merely returns {@link AuthenticationInfo#getCredentials() account.getCredentials()} and exists as a template hook if subclasses wish to obtain the credentials in a different way or convert them to a different format before returning.

bool equals(Object tokenCredentials, Object accountCredentials)

Returns {@code true} if the {@code tokenCredentials} argument is logically equal to the {@code accountCredentials} argument. <p/> <p>If both arguments are either a byte array (byte[]), char array (char[]) or string, they will be both be converted to raw byte arrays via the {@link #toBytes toBytes} method first, and then resulting byte arrays are compared via {@link Arrays#equals(byte[], byte[]) ArrayHelper.equals(byte[],byte[])}.</p> <p/> <p>If either argument cannot be converted to a byte array as described, a simple Object <code>equals</code> comparison is made.</p> <p/> <p>Subclasses should override this method for more explicit equality checks.

bool doCredentialsMatch(AuthenticationToken token, AuthenticationInfo info)

This implementation acquires the {@code token}'s credentials (via {@link #getCredentials(AuthenticationToken) getCredentials(token)}) and then the {@code account}'s credentials (via {@link #getCredentials(hunt.shiro.authc.AuthenticationInfo) getCredentials(account)}) and then passes both of them to the {@link #equals(Object,Object) equals(tokenCredentials, accountCredentials)} method for equality comparison.
