Returns the authenticationToken class supported by this realm.
<p>The default value is <tt>{@link hunt.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken UsernamePasswordToken.class}</tt>, since
about 90% of realms use username/password authentication, regardless of their protocol (e.g. over jdbc, ldap,
kerberos, http, etc).
<p>If subclasses haven't already overridden the {@link Realm#supports Realm.supports(AuthenticationToken)} method,
they must {@link #setAuthenticationTokenClass(Class) set a new class} if they won't support
<tt>UsernamePasswordToken</tt> authentication token submissions.
@return the authenticationToken class supported by this realm.
@see #setAuthenticationTokenClass
Returns the authenticationToken class supported by this realm. <p/> <p>The default value is <tt>{@link hunt.shiro.authc.UsernamePasswordToken UsernamePasswordToken.class}</tt>, since about 90% of realms use username/password authentication, regardless of their protocol (e.g. over jdbc, ldap, kerberos, http, etc). <p/> <p>If subclasses haven't already overridden the {@link Realm#supports Realm.supports(AuthenticationToken)} method, they must {@link #setAuthenticationTokenClass(Class) set a new class} if they won't support <tt>UsernamePasswordToken</tt> authentication token submissions.
@return the authenticationToken class supported by this realm. @see #setAuthenticationTokenClass