
Creates a {@code Subject} instance reflecting the specified contextual data. <p/> The context can be anything needed by this {@code SecurityManager} to construct a {@code Subject} instance. Most Shiro end-users will never call this method - it exists primarily for framework development and to support any underlying custom {@link SubjectFactory SubjectFactory} implementations that may be used by the {@code SecurityManager}. <h4>Usage</h4> After calling this method, the returned instance is <em>not</em> bound to the application for further use. Callers are expected to know that {@code Subject} instances have local scope only and any other further use beyond the calling method must be managed explicitly.

@param context any data needed to direct how the Subject should be constructed. @return the {@code Subject} instance reflecting the specified initialization data. @see SubjectFactory#createSubject(SubjectContext) @see Subject.Builder

interface SecurityManager
