Logs out the specified Subject from the system.
Note that most application developers should not call this method unless they have a good reason for doing
so. The preferred way to logout a Subject is to call
<code>{@link hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#logout Subject.logout()}</code>, not the
{@code SecurityManager} directly.
Framework developers on the other hand might find calling this method directly useful in certain cases.
Logs out the specified Subject from the system. <p/> Note that most application developers should not call this method unless they have a good reason for doing so. The preferred way to logout a Subject is to call <code>{@link hunt.shiro.subject.Subject#logout Subject.logout()}</code>, not the {@code SecurityManager} directly. <p/> Framework developers on the other hand might find calling this method directly useful in certain cases.
@param subject the subject to log out.